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Welcome to Furborough’s Funfair, where we pride ourselves on providing top-notch service for all your funfair needs. From thrilling fairground ride hire to our popular hall of mirrors and spooky ghost house, we have everything you need to make your event a success. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your experience with us is nothing short of fantastic, and we guarantee that our rides are of the highest quality. Whether you’re hosting a birthday party, corporate event, or community festival, Furborough’s Funfair is the premier destination for funfair hire and fairground ride hire across the UK. Contact us today to book your unforgettable experience!s are the core and heart of what we do. This inspires us to do our very best everyday towards all our patients. We believe in being compassionate by treating everyone with empathy and respect. We practice accountability and believe in being customer focused because every patient’s well being is our utmost priority.

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Fairs in Britain have a long and ancient history. The Romans were once credited with their introduction – the word ‘fair’ is itself derived from the Latin feria, a holiday – but the tradition is more deeply rooted. They have their origins in the pagan customs of the people who first settled this land. Their seasonal gatherings, held perhaps for the purposes of both festivity and trade, contained within them the essential elements of the fair. It was trade that was to become the more important element following the Norman Conquest, when those English fairs that were then in existence were reconstituted along French lines. Charters granted by the monarch gave fairs a legal status and an increasing importance in the economic life of the nation. In the 13th and 14th centuries almost 5000 fairs were chartered, the largest of these attracting merchants and a wealth of goods from many parts of Europe.

These fairs became important landmarks in the calendar, both socially and culturally. As well as drawing traders they were magnets for itinerant entertainers: jugglers, tumblers and musicians – the ancestors of today’s travelling showmen. A new dimension was added to the annual fair after the Black Death, the plague that killed over a third of the population. With fewer hands to work the land, wages rose steeply. Alarmed by this breach in the feudal system, Edward III sought to control wages by enacting a statute that would fix rates of pay. These fixed rates were to be announced at the annual fair – the one occasion when most of the local population would be present – or at specially called events. These latter events, ‘statute fairs’, eventually became the places where labourers could offer themselves for hire. By the early 18th century the trading aspect of the chartered fairs had waned and some fairs, such as the famous Bartholomew Fair in London, were devoted entirely to pleasure and amusement. It was around this time that the first fairground rides, simple hand-turned roundabouts or swingboats, appeared. However, the shows were still the main attractions and would remain so until, in the 1860s, the King’s Lynn engineer Frederick Savage devised a successful method of driving roundabouts by steam power.

Savage’s ingenuity transformed the showman’s business. Freed from the limitations of muscle power roundabouts could be made larger, more heavily ornamented – and more capacious. By the end of the 19th century the fairs were dominated by an astonishing array of steam-driven rides. Only the invention of moving pictures in 1896 – an innovation seized upon by the travelling showmen – saw a temporary halt in the decline of the shows. For most people their first experience of ‘the flicks’ was through the fairground Bioscope shows. Likewise, for many country folk, their first sight of electric lighting was at the local fair. The story of the fair is one of continuous development. Novelty – the showman’s stock-in-trade – is the vital element in attracting the public’s custom. Fairs may have changed over the years but their purpose remains the same: to provide the fairgoer with a form of entertainment that is unpretentious, inclusive and uninhibited.


Even though their profession takes them far and wide across the country, travelling showmen still take part in the life of the wider community.

Most importantly, they have always been ready to bear arms in the defence of their country. Twice in the last century, they responded to the nation’s call, some making the ultimate sacrifice. Their names appear on the Showmen’s Guild’s Roll of Honour, a specially-created monument at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas in Staffordshire.

In the Second World War, the Showmen’s Guild launched an appeal among its members to buy a fighter aircraft for the RAF. Within ten days of the launch in August 1940 over £1500 had been donated, the target of £5000 being reached by the following January. The money paid for a Spitfire, built in 1941 as part of a batch of 450 by Supermarine Aviation Vickers Ltd. In recognition of the gift, the Spitfire was named ‘The Fun of The Fair’.

Many showmen have played a part in local government. The most famous of them all, Pat Collins, was a notable contributor to the life of his adopted home town of Walsall. For over 20 years he was an elected councillor in the borough, serving as mayor in 1938. More spectacularly, he stood and was elected as Walsall’s Member of Parliament during the turbulent early years of the 1920s. Others have followed his example, successfully combining civic duties with the demands of their own businesses.

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With Furborough’s Funfair, you can expect reliable and professional service, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience for all your guests. Contact us anytime to book your next funfair adventure!

07977 039065


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